Our computation engine can only calculate ownership accurately if you have named parties accurately in each instrument.


  The Subparty #Tag is a Parties and Aliases function used by Tracts’ calculation engine to differentiate the various types of interests acquired by a single party while attributing all interests to that party.Example: Joseph Smith owns interests jointly with his wife Jane, while also owning interests from an heirship as Joseph Smith, SSP (sole and separate property).

Interpretation Summary

Joseph Smith = (no subparty tag) = all of the party’s interests.

Joseph Smith # = (blank subparty tag) = all of the party’s interests less and except those specified by subparty tags.

Joseph Smith #SSP = (subparty tag) = all of the party’s interests specific to the subparty tag.

Add Subparty #Tag

Assign Subparty #Tag

Review Party Interests in Ownership Report


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