The Title Management Platform
To acquire land more efficiently. To Supercharge your land team. To run title faster than humanly possible.
We guarantee it.

‘Zero-Math’ Interest Calculations
Taking math out of the equation is core to our title management platform. All calculations are automated and combined into final title reports instantly — no wasted time, no human error, just answers that are decision-ready.
Common Title Finder
Every title document covers a unique area. Simultaneously run portions of surrounding acreage while interpreting your target tract. The Common Title Finder identifies and populates your digital title file as you expand your area of interest.

Around 98% of the words in each document are useless for interpretation. TitleNotes™ distill courthouse documents down to only the information you need to understand the exchange of ownership contained in each document.

Automatic Reports
Transform raw data into usable data in a fraction of the time. Give in-house land managers and executives up-to-the-document access to 10 dynamic title reports that can be sorted by date, severances, individual party, document type and more. Cost per document and efficiency metric reports provide insight into the productivity of a project, team or individual landman or attorney.
Reports Available: Mineral Ownership Report • Lease Ownership Reports • Interactive Runsheet • Assignments Report • Requirements Report • History of Title • Assignments • Lease Analysis Report • Warnings Report

Document Interpretation Library
Never interpret a document twice. Building your document interpretation library creates efficiencies unmatched by today’s document libraries. Each time a document is interpreted, it is saved in your secure company-wide library so that when running adjacent acreage, common title is already complete. Just pull common documents into the related area and watch the patented math engine do the rest.

Ownership Knowledge Graph
Consistent and interactive title chain. A new take on the landman flowchart for the digitally transformed land department, Tracts innovative and standardized visualization of ownership history makes your chain-of-title easy to understand, regardless of who builds it.

Secure Cloud Storage
Built to feel like paper, secured in the cloud. Tracts intuitive workflow was designed using Google’s Material Design for ease of use and meticulously built to properly secure your most valuable assets.